Terms and Conditions of the psychotherapy

Information for my clients about the details of the psychotherapy.

1/6/20243 min read

To maintain clarity about the different aspects of the therapy, I've decided to publish this post about the terms and conditions. Please, take some time to read through the following text. If any information is missing, or if anything is unclear, don't hesitate to ask me during a session or via email.

About me: I am a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist with the appropriate educational qualifications. Currently, I am in post-graduate program in clinical psychology. I attend regular supervision (once a month) and continue my professional development.

Therapy: In my practice, I provide psychotherapy not covered by insurance. The cost of the sessions is at the client's expense. The length of each session is 50 minutes.

Confidentiality: All sessions are completely confidential. No personal details are gathered other than contact information (except for the VZP program for Mental Health Support purposes). If any notes are taken, they are not connected with the name of the client. The client has no obligation to share his or her full name or any other personal data, as it's not essential for the therapy process. A feeling of safety is crucial in psychotherapy because it underpins the sense of trust and contributes to making the therapeutic relationship different than any other.

Booking an appointment: Therapy sessions can only be made through discussion between me and the client, via email, telephone, or in person. When you are inquiring about an appointment by emailing/texting/calling, wait for a booking confirmation. On the contrary, once I suggest a specific time and date to the client, who is interested in starting the therapy, I wait up to 48 hours for the response. In the case the client doesn´t react within that time range, I can offer the slot to another client.

Long-term psychotherapy: Once agreed with the client, that we begin the long-term therapy setting, the client is provided a regular session time, usually every week at the same time and day of the week. The session time is pre-booked for every week unless the client cancels it.

Cancellation: If there are any adjustments in the time of the session (for example canceling the session or changing the time), they need to be made at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, the client is charged the full fee for the session. In the case of missing two consecutive sessions without notifying me, the psychotherapy contract would be terminated.

Late attendance: There is no other consequence of coming late, than having a shorter session for a full fee. The time, which is booked for each client is limited by its´ beginning and the end and it´s up to every client, how they utilize it. I cannot guarantee to provide the full length of the session by exceeding the scheduled time. A session shorter than 15 minutes can hardly have any therapeutic benefit.

Frequency: Once we start a long-term psychotherapy, I require an attendance of, at least, 80% of the sessions. If there are more than 20% of the sessions are canceled regurarly, I discuss the topic with the client to understand the reasons for the absence and discuss, whether there are sufficient conditions in his/her life to attend and benefit from therapy.

Payment: The current prices for my services are displayed on the website. The payment can be done either by cash, QR code at the session, or a bank transfer within the 3 days after the session. I don´t accept credit or debit cards. I also can't guarantee to have change for any cash payments.

Ending: Therapy comes to a completion naturally as an agreement between both parties. The client is free to end therapy at any stage by giving at least two weeks notice before finishing to allow for the process of closure and have the last session for concluding our work, exchanging feedback and saying goodbye.

Substances: It´s not acceptable to arrive to the session under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs. If I have reason to believe that this may be the case, I will draw the session to a close/not commence a session.

Other agreements: If not agreed otherwise, my clients and I address each other by our first names. Meeting in public: If we happen to accidentally meet each other in public and outside the context of therapy, I always wait for the client to make first contact before I do.

Report: If you need a written report for formal or personal purposes, it will be provided after an agreement and it´s charged. It can be either a proof of the clients´presence at the session (/sessions), report of the therapeutic progress or a conclusion of the findings and further reccomendations. If some psychological tests have been administrated, the report always include the scores and interpretation of the tests. The report is based on true facts and my professional assessment and can´t be adjusted according to clients´desires. Read more.