Address : Masarykova 37, Brno, 60200
Phone : +420 774 022 058
Email : psychotherapybrno (at)
Payment details : Account number 1025452374/5500
IBAN CZ39 5500 0010 2545 2374

Comming the first time?
Masarykova 37 is right next to the Hlavni Nadrazi. The entrance is right behind the corner KFC restaurant. Walk inside, walk up to the second floor or take an elevator. If you walk up the stairs, at the 2nd floor turn left and enter the door with a red sign PEDIKURA above it. Walk to the door, which is straight in front of you. I share an office with Mgr. LENKA KRMICKOVA, my doorbell is PRACOVNA 1.
You can come in advance and enjoy our "chill zone", sit on the sofa, have a tea or a hot chocolate. The toilet and mirror is available. You can stay here after the session to let your emotions and thoughts settle or take notes from the therapy session.