Each psychotherapy session is 50 minutes long. In the first session we will talk about your needs and expectations from the psychotherapy. The goals for the therapy will be set in the first couple of sessions and will be tracked throughout the psychotherapy. Content of the sessions always depends on the situation and personality of the client. The main part of the therapy process is a dialogue that leads to deeper understanding of your self, emotions and patterns of behavior. Therapy itself is a healing experience of being understood within a safe and accepting relationship.
What to expect?
What is the Person-Centred Approach?
Since I was trained in Person Centred Approach certified psychotherapy training, PCA has become the main foundation for my work. PCA is a humanistic approach founded by C.R.Rogers, which is based on a non-judgmental and understanding attitude towards the client. The client has a freedom to express themselves in an authentic way and will be empowered to make choices that feel right to them. The therapist´s role in this process is to provide the therapeutic conditions, which allow the client to relax, give in and be themselves, which leads to a personality change for better.
In contexts of different therapy approaches, it´s called paradoxical theory of change, which states, that the more you try to be something you are not, the more you will stay right where you are. In other words, once you start expressing yourself as you are, the sooner the changes occur.
Are there any other techniques besides PCA?
I use a wide range of techniques, that I was trained in outside the PCA psychotherapy training. Some of them are:
ASSYST - a technique that helps to deal with a sudden trauma less than 3 months after the traumatizing event.
Body therapy - focusing on body parts, that respond to the emotions and distress and raising awareness to those parts. Our bodies remember even those traumas that have been pushed out of our conscious memory. Realizing physical tension helps to catalyse hidden emotional discomfort.
Relaxation and breathing techniques.
Active imagination and fantasy - provide new insight into your self-perception, relationships and life situations. Leaving rationality for a moment might help to connect with the subconsciousness.
How to make an appointment?
You can check my availability HERE.
Call or text +420 774 022 058 or email psychotherapybrno@gmail.com. In the email you can describe your background and issue, or a goal for the therapy. If you are not sure what type of intervention you need, send a message. My phone is off during the therapy sessions, therefore text or an email is better than a call. Thank you for understanding.
Are the sessions covered by the insurance?
In my private practice, I don´t have a contract with insurance companies, so the sessions are paid by clients.
How to pay for the session?
You can pay directly at the session in cash or via QR code at the end of the session. Other possibility is to send money via internet banking before the session.
What if I made an appointment and I can't come?
It's understandable that sometimes there are legitimate reasons for cancelling appointments and it´s completely fine to cancel your session for any reason more than 24hours in advance for no fee. In the case you provide less than 24h notice to cancel or change an appointment, or whether you fail to attend an appointment, you will be charged a fee for that appointment. Unannounced absence without giving notice might become a reason to end a psychotherapy contract, if not communicated.
SIf rescheduling the session would be a good solution for you, check a calendar with my availability HERE and contact me, if you need to reschedule.
How does psychotherapy end?
Reasons to end psychotherapy might be different. Typically, therapy brings a sense of growth, wellness, and accomplishment and client feels independent enough to end therapy. In that point we usually agree on the last session with briefing, feedback and last "goodbye".
Another reason might be the opposite. It can be that client had different expectations, feels the therapy style or psychotherapist is not right for him/her or feels disappointed. In this case the end of therapy has the same format. I am aware of the fact, that not everything in life matches perfectly. In the last session, the client and therapist wrap up what they were working on and the client will leave with some helpful recommendations for the future work.
In the case, you as a client are somewhere in between, you are not happy but you can see the potentcial in our sessions, I want to support you to address your doubts about the sessions with therapist. Clients' authenticity might change the course of whole psychotherapy process.
In the first session of psychotherapy you will be given precise information on what data will be kept and how long they will be stored for. GDPR is not just a formality for me. I am aware of the importance of keeping your personal data safe and I am ready to talk with my clients about it. It forms the basis of a safe relationship.
For a psychotherapy contract I will need your full name, phone number and email for psychotherapy purpose only. No data or contact information will be provided to the third parties.
Notes made during psychotherapy session never include identification information about my clients and serve only for my own preparations for the following sessions.
Detailed GDPR rules are also available in our office.
What about GDPR?
Do you want to ask something else?
Contact me on email - psychotherapybrno@gmail.com.