Krizová intervence 1200,- / 50 minut
Individuální terapie 1200,- / 50 minut
Pomoc Ukrajině zdarma (krizová intervence do 4 sezení)
Zpráva ze sezení/terapie 500,-
What is...
Crisis Intervention
is an immediate emergency session which aims to help with mental or emotional distress. In the case you have recently gone through a traumatic situation or your mental condition suddenly changed and you feel like you are losing control over your thoughts, feelings or actions, a consultation can help to make you feel more grounded. Part of the help is often also directing you to other specialist (like psychiatrist or specialized crisis centers, etc.).
Individual psychotherapy
is a longterm and deeper way of working on your issues. Sessions are 50 minutes long, once a week. The length of the psychotherapy differs from person to person as each of us is different. The usual length can be from 6 months to 2 years. The aim of this form of help isn't just to relief from acute distress, but also to provide deeper insight into your problems and create changes in personality patterns and relationship dynamics to become stronger, more stable and aware of your self and needs.
Help for Ukraine
I have been trained in ASSYST method, which is derived from EMDR technique. ASSYST is a short-term intervention, that helps to process distressing and paralysing memories of a sudden trauma. Technique includes recalling the distressing memory and an easy exercise, that helps to proceed distress connected to the memory. The intervention should happen within a period of 3 months after the traumatizing event, and as soon as possible. If treated by ASSYST early enough, one can avoid the development of PTSD.
Basic language skills (English or Czech) are sufficient, since the method is based more on instructions than a dialogue.
ASSYST interventions are provided free of charge for those who have experienced a war trauma and is limited by 5 sessions. My initiative is aimed to be a support for Ukraine in the war times. The number of spots is limited.